Heat Stress in dairy cows: how to preserve ruminants from heat stress damages

Heat stress is one of the major problems can negatively impact the welfare and the health of ruminants in every part of world. Dairy cow thermal comfort range is between 5 and 25°c: with rising outdoor temperatures, a cow’s body temperature also rises. Heat stress comes when temperature and humidity are over the levels that the cows can tolerate, which can adversely mining both their welfare and production.
A less DM intake, reduced rumen efficiency and decreased ruminal pH are some of the major problems associated with heat stress in dairy cows wich, ultimately, result to a decrease of milk production and quality, and increase sanitary cost.
Heat stress in dairy cows: implications and nutritional management
The most common methods exploited by dairy farmers to preventing and managing heat stress are shade and well ventilated spaces, cooling with water and hydration.
But also nutritional management strategies can be applied to address the challenges associated with heat stress. In particular, yeast supplements can help to face the effects of heat stress alleviating damages on ruminants. BIOSPRINT® live yeast supplementation during the summer period helps lactating cows maintain their production parameters at optimum efficiency, preventing the negative effects of heat stress on their performance.
The use of Biosprint® MUCL™ 39885 as a nutritional supplement has proved to be a good tool for helping cows to overcome the difficulties of the summer period, improving rumen efficiency and the herd’s productivity.
BIOSPRINT® yeast supplementation in heat stress condition: Trial Results
The use of Biosprint® MUCL™ 39885 as a nutritional supplement has proved to be a good tool for helping cows to overcome the difficulties of the summer period, improving rumen efficiency and the herd’s productivity.
To know more about the last trial results about BIOSPRINT® for managing prolonged heat stress condition in dairy cows fill in the form to download the last study.
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