Oral administration of nucleotides in calves: Effects on oxidativestatus, immune response, and intestinal mucosa development. The study was performed on Ribofeed
A recent publication from Bari University (Italy) published on Journal of Dairy Sciences has demonstrated the efficacy of Ribofeed, a product containing yeast nucleotides, in calves: effects on oxidative status, immune response and intestinal mucosa development.
A total of 40 male Holstein Friesian calves were divided in 2 groups. All the calves were born and reared on the same commercial dairy farm. The nucleotides group (NG) was orally administered with 5 g/head of an additive containing hydrolyzed yeast (Ribofeed, Prosol SpA) once daily from birth to 25 d.
In conclusion, Ribofeed administration increased the intestinal villi height and crypt depth, with positive consequence on economically important growth parameters (weight gain, ADG, Crude protein conversion rate, and Metabolizable energy conversion rate).
Moreover, improved the activity of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT, and GPx) and the antioxidant capacity (FRAP and ABTS) in calf plasma and liver starting as early as the third day of administration. By stimulating the antioxidant enzymatic system and maximizing nutrient intake during weaning, oral nucleotide administration may have the potential to counteract the high prevalence of mortality and morbidity after birth, and to affect long-term cow health and future milk production.
To read the entire publication and see the results > https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2021-20804
To know more about nucleotides for animal feed > www.prosol-spa.it/nucleotides-in-animal-feed/