Prosol Distributor Meeting 2019
Prosol hosted a meeting with its distributor Scotmin-caltech at its headquarters in Madone, Bergamo.
Last week Prosol invited its distributor Scotmin-Caltech at its headquarters in Madone, Bergamo, to partecipate in two days of workshop and farm visit with our sales and marketing team.
The highlight of the meeting was seeing how and how much BIOSPRINT® is successfully used. The first part of the meeting was dedicated to a technical session in order to discuss challenges and solutions in the field of animal nutrition. The conference showcased information about the main problems of ruminant nutrition and the benefits of BIOSPRINT® active yeast in their nutrition, with a complete review of its economic benefits for farmers.
Indeed our guests visited a dairy farm using Biosprint® with major benefits on productivity and fertility. Here the group had the opportunity to meet experienced operators who have gained data on health and performance as a result of BIOSPRINT® use.
This event was a precious opportunity to gather our sales team with farm sales and customers to discuss valuable knowledge and exchange experiences. Scotmin have had great success with Biosprint® for dairy beef and sheep. Ongoing trials continue to show how effective Biosprint is.
We would like to thank our guests for this interesting meeting. We’re honored to be able to have hosted our representatives and distributors.