SwineMod®: a pool of active ingredients for piglets and sows
SwineMod® is the results of many years of Prosol experience in yeast processing and yeast cell components efficacy knowledge, proven in in vitro and in vivo trials.
SwineMod® is a source of cell wall components such as glucans and mannans, and nucleotides, nucleosides, oligo nucleotides, ribonucleic acids fragments, peptides, aminoacids, minerals and group B vitamins. All these nutrients represent a pool of active and beneficial ingredients for piglets and sows wellbeing. Their synergic effect can modulate immune system response and help in reducing post weaning piglets gaps increasing feed intake and improving palatability.
SwineMod™ is the suitable solution for your antibiotic free program.
SwineMod® Targets
A precocious weaning, ( 3 weeks of age), as it usually done in rearing pigs, is crucial. The dramatic changes in the alimentary (rough passage from a warm mother’s milk to a cold and dry feed) and in the environment (sudden separation from the sow, transport and new social group) can have serious consequences for the digestive and immune functions of the pig’s intestine:
- Weight loss (up to 30%)
- Modifications in enzymatic pool
- Reduction in the length of intestinal villi height and the depth of the intestinal crypts
- Undigested feed becomes substrate for pathogens inflammation
- Diarrhea
- Negative effects on defensive responses against infectious diseases
The perinatal phase, the period before birth up to the third day after farrowing, is particularly sensitive phase in piglet production. The sows are stressed physiologically and due to behavioral restriction imposed by the farrowing crate system. Maternal glucocorticoids induced by prenatal stress have been shown to cross the placenta in pigs. This lead to a reduction in colostral milk and in IgG supply. This is important to minimize sows and piglets stress during the periparturient period.
Nucleotides: What they are
Nucleotides are low-molecular-weight intracellular compounds that participate in numerous biochemical processes. They are composed of a nitrogenous base (pyrimidine or purine) linked to a pentose (ribose or deoxyribose) sugar to which one, two or three phosphate groups are attached. Nucleotides are involved in several processes:
- nucleic acids precursors (RNA, DNA)
- protein synthesis
- cell turnover
- phospholipid synthesis
- coenzyme components
- iron absorption
- cell-mediated immune response
Nucleotides are safe, improve gastric development and early immune function and reduce digestive disorders in pigs post- weaning. Animal studies suggest that nucleotide supplementation can affect immune function by enhancing:
- mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation
- interleukin-2 production
- cell-mediated immunity
- enterocyte and lymphocyte maturation
- resistance to infection
Glucans: what they are
Glucans are high molecular-weight substances composed of glucose as building blocks, usually isolated from cell walls of bacteria, mushrooms, algae, cereal grains, yeast and fungi. A number of animal studies suggest that Glucans reduce Pasteurella multocida, increase lymphocytes, increase haptoglobine, increase IL-10, decrease TNFα, alert immune system, at high dose are more pro inflammatory.
For additional information about the dosages or other questions about the brand SwineMod™, please contact Mrs. N. Pedretti, Marketing & Sales Director, Tel +39 – Fax +39
E-mail: prosol@prosol-spa.it
Domeneghini C, Di Giancamillo A, Savoini G, et al. (2004) Structural patterns of swine ileal mucosa following L-glutamine and nucleotide administration during the weaning
period. An histochemical and histometrical study. Histol Histopathol 19, 49–58.
Ringø E, Olsen RE, Vecino JLG, Wadsworth S, Song SK (2012) Use of immunostimulants and nucleotides in aquaculture: a review. J Marine Sci Res Development 1:104.
Nadja Sauer, Rainer Mosenthin and Eva Bauer (2011) The role of dietary nucleotides in single-stomached animals Nutrition Research Reviews (2011), 24, 46–59
K.J. Rutherfurd-Markwick et al. (2013) The potential for enhancement of immunity in cats by dietary supplementation Vet. Immunology and Immunopathology 152 333– 340
Agazzi A, Caputo JM, Ferroni M, et al. (2013) Intestinal proinflammatory citokines could be modulated by dietary nucleotides in post weaning piglets Italian Journal of Animal Science vol 12 s1
Chiofalo B., Lo Presti V., Savoini G., D’Alessandro E., et al.(2011) Nucleotides in broiler chicken diet: effect on breast muscles quality. Czech J. Food Sci., 29: 308–317.