
Heat Stress in dairy cows: how to preserve ruminants from heat stress damages

2021-10-14T15:21:19+00:00July 12th, 2021|

Heat Stress in dairy cows: how to preserve ruminants from heat stress damages Heat stress is one of the major problems can negatively impact the welfare and the health of ruminants in every part of world. Dairy cow thermal comfort range is between 5 and 25°c: with rising outdoor temperatures, a cow’s body temperature also rises. Heat stress comes when temperature and humidity are over the levels that the cows can tolerate, which can adversely mining both their welfare and production. A less DM intake, reduced rumen efficiency and decreased ruminal pH are some of the major problems associated with heat stress in dairy cows wich, ultimately, result to a decrease of milk production and quality, and increase sanitary [...]

Biosprint® in Ruminants: new Marketing Sheet

2024-09-04T16:38:05+00:00April 30th, 2021|

Biosprint® in Ruminants: new Marketing Sheet Through an evident and incisive contribution to the digestive efficiency, Biosprint® is able to improve the production performance of the animals, preserving their general state of health. In ruminants it promotes the fermentation processes, adapting the rumen environment to the needs of the bacterial flora responsible for fiber digestion. The animals improve the capacity to use the energy of the feed and to assimilate the nutrients necessary for high productivity. Useful in challenging and stressful condition such as  transition and lactating phase, feed change, digestive problems, low Intake, heat stress. Would you like to know more about BIOSPRINT® in ruminants? Available the new Biosprint marketing sheet, fill in the form to download! [...]

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